Welcomer Commands
*welcome enable enables welcome message moduel. Usage: *welcome enable
*welcome disable disables welcome message moduel. Usage: *welcome disable
*leave enable enables leave message moduel. Usage: *leave enable
*leave disable disables leave message moduel. Usage: *leave disable
*setwelcome sets a welcome message channel. Usage: *setwelcome {mention-channel}
*setleft sets a leave message channel. Usage: *setleft {mention-channel}
Moderation Commands
*kick kicks mentioned user. Usage: *kick {mention.user} reason
*ban bans mentioned user. Usage: *ban {mention.user} reason
*setnick change nickname for mentioned user. Usage: *setnick {mention.user} {nickname}
*userinfo gives information of mentioned user. Usage: *userinfo {mention.user}
*clear clears messages. Usage: *clear {message amount to delete} example: *clear 10
*warn warns mentioned user. Usage: *warn {mention.user} {reason}
Ticket Commands
*enable ticket enables ticket moduel. Usage: *enable ticket
*disable ticket disables ticket moduel. Usage: *disable ticket
*new creates a ticket for you to reach server's admin/staff help (works when ticket moduel is on). Usage: *new
*close closes the ticket (works when ticket moduel is on). Usage: *close
Fun Commands
*say repeats your text. Usage: *say {your message}
*imgsay converts your text to image. Usage: *imgsay {your message}
*meme gives you fresh memes. Usage: *meme
*poll creates polls. Usage *poll {poll message}
*howgay tells howgay mentioned user is. Usage: *howgay {mention.user}
*wyr asks you would you rather questions. Usage: *wyr
*8ball 8ball reply to your questions that you asked. Usage: *8ball {your question}
*coinflip flips a coin for heads or tails Usage: *coinflip
*f allows members to pay respect to mentioned user. Usage *f {mention.user}
*howbig checks mentioned user's di*k size. Usage: *howbig {mention.user}
*ship checks how much they 2 love each other. Usage: *ship {mention.user1} {mention.user2}
*dice a dice, roll it Lets see how much you can take from 6. Usage: *dice
*ping shows you bot respond time in miliseconds. Usage: *ping
*dog sends random dog pics
*cat sends random cat pics
Info Commands
*serverinfo shows infomations about server. Usage: *serverinfo
*avatar gives u mentioned user's avatar. Usage: *avatar {mention.user}
*qr generates QR code of your message. Usage: *qr {your message}
*yt search anything on youtube through this command. Usage: *yt {your message}
*google search anything on google through this command (works only on nsfw granted channels). Usage: *google {your message}
*catfact gives you random cat facts Usage: *catfact
*dogfact gives you random dog facts Usage: *dogfact
*urban Searches for the urban definition of what you entered
Suggestion Commands
*enable suggestion enables suggestion moduel. Usage: *enable suggestion
*disable suggestion disables suggestion moduel. Usage: *disable suggestion
*setsuggestion sets suggestion receive channel. Usage: *setsuggestion {mention.channel}
*suggestion sends a suggestion message to suggestion message receive channel that u set Usage: *suggestion {your message}
Roleplay Commands
*hug hugs mentioned user. Usage: *hug {mention.user}
*kiss kisses mentioned user Usage: *kiss {mention.user}
*blush allows you to blush at someone. Usage: *blush {mention.user}
*cry sends a cry gif. Usage: *cry
*pat pats mentioned user Usage: *pat {mention.user}
*slap slaps mentioned user Usage: *slap {mention.user}
*dance sends a dance gif. Usage: *dance
NSFW Commands
*bb sends random boobs pics (works only on nsfw granted channels). Usage: *bb